Major Investment Program at Graticules Optics Ltd
Graticules Optics is currently undergoing phase one of a major investment program designed to increase production capacity, expand manufacturing capability, and improve working environments.
This investment has already seen a completely new and additional electroplating line, together with a sophisticated ultrasonic cleaning plant and multiple new hi-tec exposure units, which are now in place, in newly refurbished laboratory areas.
Over the next 12 months, all departments will be completely renovated with new plant, equipment and additional clean room facilities, enabling Graticules Optics to remain at the forefront of technology and lead the way in the supply of micropattern products.
Further expansion to the factory area is planned in 18 months’ time, with a large extension to the building, which will create even more office and manufacturing space.
For further information or to make an enquiry, email us directly at [email protected] or call our team on +44 (0)1732 360460.