Graticules Optics is unique in fabricating photolithographic images on glass, film and in metal foil, with the added bonus of coatings, cementing, mounting and small optical assembly.

We are all about Micropatterns. With a pedigree going back over 70 years, Graticules Optics is a proven world-class designer and manufacturer of precision micropattern products, including reticles, calibration scales, TEM grids, FIB lift-out grids, apertures and resolution charts. We specialise in providing standard and custom solutions, working closely with our customers to achieve optimum results.

Graticules Optics is unique in offering photolithographic products on most types of glass, film and in metal foil, with the added bonus of coatings, cementing, mounting and small optical assembly. Recently we have added photomasks to our portfolio.

The philosophy of our business is very simple: To deliver first class products and services to our customers, on-time and to specification. Experience gives us the ability to provide guidance to our customers to ensure total satisfaction. A continuous investment program in equipment and process development ensures we remain at the forefront of our markets.

We export globally to a diverse range of industries, including light microscopy, electron microscopy, metrology, defence, photonics, electro-optics, aerospace and instrumentation.

Graticules Optics is accredited to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. Certificate Number FS 708521.

Graticules Optics is proud to be part of the SDI Group plc. For more information about SDI and our sister companies please see below.

Meet the team

Graticules Optics is comprised of a passionate team from different horizons pushing the limits of precision micropatterns. Our know-how has been passed on and perfected over the decades and our team is constantly searching for new challenges to take on.

Neil Blackford

Neil Blackford


+44 (0) 1732 756 272 [email protected]
Ian Gordon

Ian Gordon

Senior Technical Support Specialist

+44 (0) 1732 756 275 [email protected]
Kevin Wenham

Kevin Wenham

Production Controller

+44 (0) 1732 756 277 [email protected]
Sharon Lindley

Sharon Lindley

Finance Officer

+44 (0) 1732 756 274 [email protected]

A brief history of Graticules Optics Ltd

Origins of our company can be traced back to the outbreak of World War I when the British Government assigned to Julius Rheinberg the task to develop and supply Target Graticules for their military supply. Julius Rheinberg was a member of the Royal Microscopy Society and was well known in optical circles as he developed many techniques and processes associated with microphotography. He invented a grainless photographic emulsion process to manufacture Graticules.

In 1946, Julius’ nephew, Leslie Rheinberg, took over the business as Graticules Limited (incorporated in 1948) and extended the range of products to offer a comprehensive range to diverse industries such as Microscopy, Optics, Education, Medicine/Research, etc.

Graticules Limited was then purchased in 1997 by Pyser-SGI. Pyser-SGI, a company producing specialised precision optical products since 1932 was comprised of two divisions Defence and Broadcast. Graticules Limited became the third division of Pyser-SGI, called Graticules.

In 2015 Pyser-SGI changed ownership and reshaped their branding and trading name to Pyser Optics Limited.

As of February 2019, SDI Group plc (formerly Scientific Digital Imaging plc) bought the Graticules Division of Pyser Optics, trading now under the new name Graticules Optics Limited.

SDI Group plc (formerly known as Scientific Digital Imaging plc)  designs and manufactures scientific and technology products for use by the life science, healthcare, astronomy, consumer manufacturing and art conservation markets through the Synoptics brands (Syngene, Synbiosis and Synoptics Health), the Atik Cameras brand, Quantum Scientific Imaging, the Opus Instruments brand (Osiris), Sentek, Astles Control Systems, Applied Thermal Control, Fistreem International, Graticules Optics, MPB IndustriesChell Instruments, Monmouth Scientific, Thermal ExchangeScientific Vacuum Systems and Uniform Engineering.

SDI continues to grow through its own technology advancements, as well as through pursuing strategic, complementary acquisitions.



Julius Rheinberg, member of the RMS, started making graticules for the British Government


Julius' nephew, Leslie Rheinberg took over the business and incorporated the company Graticules Limited



Graticules Limited moved from their London Laboratories to Tonbridge taking on additional space in 1976


Graticules Limited was purchased by Pyser-SGI, a manufacture of specialised percision optical products since 1932. Graticules Limited bacame one of the three division of Pyser-SGI, Graticules Division.



Pyser-SGI changed ownership and changed its trading name to Pyser Optics Ltd.



Graticules Division of Pyser Optics was sold to SDI. The Graticules team is now trading as Graticules Optics Limited, an independent company.
