About TEM Grids

Did you know that Graticules Optics have been manufacturing specimen support grids for electron microscopes for over 50 years using the extensive knowledge of processes and techniques gained from their micropattern production?
Graticules Optics grids are available throughout the world from laboratory and electron microscopy accessory suppliers or direct from our factory. Copper, nickel and gold grids are all produced using electroforming processes to give well-defined patterns and consistent quality. Aluminium, stainless steel, molybdenum and titanium use an etching process.
At Graticules Optics we manufacture world leading brands of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Grids. These include: Maxtaform, Embra/Brandsma and Value brands.

We specialise in manufacturing FIB Lift-out grids (lamella carriers) for OEM companies around the world and have recently invested heavily in DMC marking equipment so that we can offer each grids with a unique code.
Our TEM Grids are available from:
USA – Ted Pella Inc, Electron Microscopy Sciences and SPI
Europe – Micro to Nano, Science Services and Plano
Japan – Kokusai Kinzoku Yakuhin & E M Japan Co. Ltd.
And many, many more around the world – just ask for your local dealer
Graticules Optics was the first company to introduce referenced graticules for light microscopy and the first to make finder grids for the electron microscopist. Location of points of interest in a specimen and quick relocation is of vital importance in many investigations and with the high magnifications used in transmission electron microscopy this can be very tedious. Finder grids have been designed to assist in this task and there are today many types to choose from. We list those that have proved to be most popular.
All Graticules Optics TEM grids (except the value range) are 100% inspected so you know that any grid you take from the vial will be useable. 

Custom made grids and bespoke FIB lift-out grids are also extensively manufactured.
Further Information:

TEM Grids – Explore our complete range.
Manufacturing – We offer an exclusive bespoke service in exacting micropattern design.
Brochure – Download our Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Grids brochure.
To discuss your custom design, email us directly at [email protected] or call our team on +44 (0)1732 360460.